Back into good habits for healthy eating and weightloss !
Do you ever wonder why it can be so hard to lose weight? You feel like you are trying to eat healthy but nothing is really happening. Maybe you ‘know what to do but just aren’t doing it? One minute you feel on track and the next your own mindset gets in the way, snacking on things you shouldn’t. This can be very frustrating and the reason you aren’t seeing results. Truth is, many of us need accountability to someone who can provide a tailored solution to their problem.

Take the hassle out of trying to decide what ‘diet’ will suit you. Your Lifespark packages are designed with you in mind, your lifestyle, your key concerns, your goals. You may be starting your weightloss & wellbeing journey, or ‘nearly there’ but perhaps there are a few bad habits that are just getting in the way. Either way, a Lifespark plan can bring focus, motivation and accountability - may be just what you need.
Click to view our packages below
Our Pricing
Starter Package
- A one hour indepth consultation getting to know you or re-focus if existing clients
- Prescription form outlining goals/ areas of concern and action plan
- Access to Lifespark App for daily live feedback, recipes
- 6x 20 minute weekly follow up consultations to help you form new habits, keep you motivated and accountable.
- Complimentary 2 month post programme follow up consultation (value $60)
Kickstart Vision Program
- A one hour indepth consultation
- Goal and vision board setting
- Tailored nutrition plan based on your lifestyle .
- Fortnightly Menu planner and shopping list
- Access to Lifespark App for daily live feedback, recipes, food, exercise and sleep tracker.
- Weekly follow up consultations
- Mindfulness tips on how to manage emotional, stress or boredom eating*
- Complimentary 2 month post programme follow up consultation (value $60)
Signature Weight & Wellness
- Detoxification questionnaire
- Stress/ mood survey*
- Blood test review*
- Bioelectric Impedance analysis for internal measurements
- Prevent current health issues from escalating
- Tailored nutrition plan based on your wellness goals including help with elimination diets or Detoxification programme
- Weekly Menu planner and shopping list
- 8x 30min follow up consultations
- Access to Lifespark App for daily live feedback, recipes, food, exercise and sleep tracker.
- VIP discounted consultation rates after the 16 week programme
Follow up consolations $60 NZD